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Share your story with us!

Thank you for sharing your story!

Please share with FreerLife any stories of sharing the gospel with others through the use of the FreerLife wristband or wallet card.  This can include leading someone to Christ concluding with a salvation prayer or just having an opportunity of planting a spiritual seed with another person.  Please provide the date of your story but keep the people and places mentioned in your story anonymous. Your submission signifies permission to include your story, in full or in part on the page below (identifying information will be removed for privacy). 


  • While I was with a woman at a local ministry, she asked about my bracelet. I shared a tiny bit of Meghan‘s story and then showed her the symbols and talked about the gospel and salvation. Thank you for making it easy to open that door!


  • I just had a homeless man approach me in the airport and he asked if he could sit down at the table I was at and I said yes. He kept flying to new cities as a way to cope with depression. He asked me if I believed in God. I told him yes, and he told me he felt worthless and that God had abandoned him. We talked about why, what the Bible says, and how loved he truly is. He said God keeps leading him to people like me as if God was teasing him. We talked more about that, and what God is trying to tell him, and the conversation ended with him asking if I could pray for him. I did and then handed him a copy of the Freer Life wallet card. I told him it had all the best verses on it. He seemed thrilled! He read a few of them and went on his way taking it with him. He said he wanted love and freedom... and our God offers it!


  • One afternoon, at an after school reading program where I volunteer, I was listening to a 3rd grade boy read. During a pause before turning a page in his book, he saw my FreerLife wrist band. He read it and then asked what Freer Life meant. I told him that because I believed in Jesus Christ and trusted Him with my life, Jesus gave me a new life now and life for an eternity in heaven -- and it was all free! The 3rd grader then said, "Heaven, huh?" I nodded yes as he turned the page in his book and went back to his reading life.

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